Friday, August 24, 2018

How To Get Your Blog To The First Page Of Google (2018) | 1st blog post start reading here

Have you ever wondered why some blogs become successful while others languish in Blog Purgatory?


The Problem: Your Blog Is Not On Googles First Page!

You may have started a blog of your own but you don't know how to rank on the first page of Google and if you don't get to that first page your blog has little chance of succeeding.

Well I've been right there where you are and it can seem like pure hell.

Solution: Follow My Step By Step Investigative Review:

How 5 Top Ranking Blogs Continue To Become Successful!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Targeting Your Audience | Finding Your Niche | blog post #2

Now It's Time To Decide What Audience You're Going To Reach: Let's Go Niche Hunting 

You'll need a niche for your blog to target. To be successful in anything you need to be a Specialist and not a generalist. A specialist is seen as an expert and a generalist does a little of everything.

If you try to reach everyone with your blogs message you'll end up reaching none.

Some can be successful as a generalist like Walmart but not many. Being a generalist for blogging would be choosing a broad term like weight loss. That market is also crowded.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

How To Choose A Hosting Company | Post 3

Your Going To Need A Domain Name And A Hosting Company | Post 3

If you're just starting out you may want to experiment with using Blogger to host your blog.

It's free to use and is owned by Google. I'm testing it out here on this blog.

As far as a domain name is concerned, it should match up with the basic idea of your blog.

If it's recipes then "" for instance. I have a Domain Name I'm working on called "" and is dedicated to how to safely protect yourself with or
without the use of firearms. Try to get as close relationship to your Niche/Domain name os you can.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

How To Earn A Living From Blogging | Post 4

How To Earn A Living From Blogging! | Post 4

One of the main ways bloggers earns money from Blogging is by becoming an affiliate and sending the traffic to offers from Amazon for example.

Your blog shouldn't only exist to make money though.

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Successful Blog Indicator Evaluation | Post 5

The Successful Blog Indicator Evaluation | Post 5

What are the characteristics of a successful blog?

Just do a search on a topic like Telescopes on Google and you find there's 1-10 first page results of 6,930,000 page.

That's a lot of pages competing for those top 10 spots.

So what's a blogger to do, throw up their hands in despair? Well we could do that...or we could use what's known as Reverse Engineering.

Reverse Engineering is taking a deep look into a system that is already functioning, then evaluating why it is successful and building our own replica. This is not just a copy and paste method. We're not going to steal anything.

Here's a web search definition:

We are going to make our own version of our Top 5 successful blogs in our chosen niches and build our niche sites so that over time Google will give our site the kudos it deserves.

Friday, August 17, 2018

The Successful Blog Indicator Evaluation | Post 6

The Successful Blog Indicator Evaluation | Post 6

Next on our list are two blogs.  

Interior Design/Architecture  and Social Psychology

Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Successful Blog Indicator Evaluation| Post #7

The Successful Blog Indicator Evaluation Post #7
Here's our 5th Top 5 Successful Bloggs
Screenshot 2018-08-30 11.44.36.png

#5- Camper Report
Site URL:

This site is owned by Jim Harmer. Jim also runs a training school along with his partner Ricky, teaching individuals how to start a profitable blog.


Back to Camper Report. Camping and RV-ing have become a big business over the past several years. Jim has done a marvelous job reporting on all the benefits that come along with the great outdoors.

He has several blog post containing lots of helpful content for his readers. Here are a few Blog post titles as examples:

*Fix’er Up: Guide to Upgrading the Bathroom in a Camper or RV

*Solar Panels or Generators for Campers and RVs—What’s best?

*Money-Saving Tips When Storing Your RV

*Five Great Ways to Insulate Your Trailer

*Can I dump my RV or camper tank into my septic tank?

On his menu he has other pages for his readers to check out, like:


Jim has over 10 pages of separate blog post, listing 8-10 per page. Of course he's done this over a period of years now. It took him around 6 months before he started getting organic traffic from google.

Let's pull up some Spyfu stats to see how well Camper Report has done.

Camper Report has a short history of just over 2 years but has a 100% organic search clicks from Google. Impressive!

It ranks for just at 1400 organic keywords. With an Est. monthly SEO click value of $5.19 k.

Here's a list of Camper Reports main competitors:

Organic Competitors

199k monthly SEO Clicks
Ranking history of 12.2 years

8.6k monthly SEO Clicks
Ranking history of 9.5 years

29.4k monthly SEO Clicks
Ranking history 12.2 years

48.7 monthly SEO Clicks
Ranking history 12.2 years

44.6 monthly SEO Clicks
Ranking history 12.2 years

As you can see Camper Report is doing pretty well against it's competitors considering that it's only been out on the internet for 2 years.

Camper Report makes most of it's income by delivering great content for it's readers and then by providing links to affiliate sites such as

Feel free to visit